Monday, October 27, 2008


Simon has a lot of words now. He can say good (ood), water (auer), God (od), Daddy (Dada) and bikkie (bik). Sometimes he uses the same word for more than one thing e.g. milk is water and Mummy is Daddy.
Good is for almost everything.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Don't call Mummy

Simon broke her phone. 
The funny (or unfunny) thing is he broke Daddy's phone in exactly the same way about two weeks ago. Fortunately the phone company had just given Daddy a new phone and it was on its way when Simon broke Daddy's old phone.
Unfortunately for Mummy, she hasn't been offered a new phone, so you can text her, but not call her.
Keep your phone away from Simon (unless you want an excuse to buy a new one).

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Too Hot!

Simon has learnt to blow on his food if it's too hot.
It's very cute.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008


Simon has his own guitar that he likes to play. He got it for Christmas from Uncle Tom and Aunty Mandy.
We've been practising how to hold the guitar.
But normally random buttons get pushed.

Simon also 'helps' Daddy play his guitars. Simon holds the pick and strums the strings (with a bit of help from Mummy). He likes the cool noises that a guitar makes.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Birthday Shenanigans

Simon started his day with pancakes and presents. Then we drove to the Northern Beaches, Simon had a little rest on the way, lucky Winnie the Pooh was there to keep him company (Thanks Great Nanna!)
He had fun at Becky's (Mum and Dad's god-daughter) Birthday party. He got a cuddle from Becky and her dad (also a Simon).
Then he went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Uncle Luke was also there.
He got to play with his present from Grandma and Grandpa - a ball pit! Then we came home, where he tried out his present from Mum and Dad,
hung out with Del and Suds
and ate more cake.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Simon likes building towers. He built this one with only a little bit of help from Mummy.
But even more fun than builing them is knocking them down.


Today Simon started saying 'good'!

He mostly says it to food (which I guess is pretty good)

Seems like a funny choice for a first word, but there you go...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So what do you do with a couch?

Lose the pants, sit down,
Have a drink,Get a bit rowdy. But try to stop before you get blind...

Monday, October 6, 2008

I am one year old today!

One year ago I looked like this...

Now I look like this...
I weigh more than 3 times as much as I did, I am half as big again as I was, I have eight teeth, I can crawl and climb and talk (a bit), and I eat more Weet-bix for breakfast than you do.

I like jam sandwiches, 'reading' the Bible, going outside, Weet-bix, riding low in my pram with my gangsta lean, whacking the stereo, climbing from the couch onto the record player, TV remotes, Wii-motes, cuddles (sometimes), eating whatever is on your plate, watering the herbs, staring out the window instead of naps, eating whatever looks expensive/fragile, anything that makes noise (except the vacuum cleaner), dancing (kind of), my jingly ball, going to sleep in the car as soon as we are within 5 minutes of home, putting things inside other things, putting things on top of other things, baths, my friends, my Daddy, and most of all my Mummy.

Thankyou to everyone who has visited me, given me presents, babysat me, prayed for me and cuddled me.

After one year we are all still alive! Thankyou so much to everyone who helped us to stay that way!
Please stick around and share the next year with us.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Simon's couch

Simon likes his new couch. It's just the right size for a cuddle with Mummy.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Simon's 1st Birthday Party

Simon had his first birthday party today.

He started the day with weetbix (3 today) and ended up with weetbix everywhere because he helped to feed himself.

After a shower, Simon looked very cute in the new outfit that Grandma bought him.

We then went to Bek, Weber and Zari's house for the party. Simon played with Zari.
Hung out with his friends from mothers group.
Ate a jam drop with Red and Jules and finished it with Liv and Em.
He had a tower of cupcakes to eat,
but first he had to blow the candle out.
He tried to eat his cupcake in one mouthful. Liv thought that looked cool and tried to join in.
Thank goodness for soap and water.
After the cake Simon was given some presents. The most popular one was a couch.
It's just the right size to climb over with friends.

Simon enjoyed his party very much and would like to thank everyone for coming. He'd especially like to thank Bek, Weber and Zari for letting him have his party at their house.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

On the way home

On the way home Simon paid a surprise visit to Great Grandma.

Great Grandma thought it was a good surprise.