Monday, October 6, 2008

I am one year old today!

One year ago I looked like this...

Now I look like this...
I weigh more than 3 times as much as I did, I am half as big again as I was, I have eight teeth, I can crawl and climb and talk (a bit), and I eat more Weet-bix for breakfast than you do.

I like jam sandwiches, 'reading' the Bible, going outside, Weet-bix, riding low in my pram with my gangsta lean, whacking the stereo, climbing from the couch onto the record player, TV remotes, Wii-motes, cuddles (sometimes), eating whatever is on your plate, watering the herbs, staring out the window instead of naps, eating whatever looks expensive/fragile, anything that makes noise (except the vacuum cleaner), dancing (kind of), my jingly ball, going to sleep in the car as soon as we are within 5 minutes of home, putting things inside other things, putting things on top of other things, baths, my friends, my Daddy, and most of all my Mummy.

Thankyou to everyone who has visited me, given me presents, babysat me, prayed for me and cuddled me.

After one year we are all still alive! Thankyou so much to everyone who helped us to stay that way!
Please stick around and share the next year with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday Simon.
Sorry I forgot to call you, but you will get used to it ;)
Love Uncle Dukey